5 Things Only Working Mothers Understand About Losing Weight

A lot of people make losing weight more difficult than it needs to be. In reality, losing weight is not hard, but there are definite obstacles and hurdles that trip even the most will-powered person.

For working moms losing weight can be even more tricky. It’s definitely not impossible, it just takes a little skill to avoid the pitfalls.

The most difficult thing working moms need to overcome is that it is another thing added on to a long list of things to do. On top of being a mother, wife, daughter, friend, worker and emotional bedrock for everyone, you now want to add losing weight to the list.

I’m going to show you the 5 most common problems working moms face when trying to lose weight and simple solutions to keep you on track.

Time Is the Enemy

Doesn’t it just seem like there are not enough hours in the day. Even if you wake up at 4:00am and go back to sleep at midnight, you just can’t seem to finish everything you need to do let alone find 10 minutes of personal time.

Working mothers know this problem inside and out. Your boss tugs at you, your co-workers tug at you, your kids tug at you, your family tug at you, your friends tug at you and your partner tugs at you. And somehow, you are still able to be there for everyone… except yourself.


If time doesn’t present itself, invite it. Learn to start telling people NO. You will feel great doing it, trust me. Most of the time, these people deserve it anyway.

Here’s the thing, there is a huge misconception about being selfish, or how I like to call it self-focused. People have grown up believing that it’s a negative thing. That it’s only right for you to be there for people and give of yourself. After all, that shows that you really care, right?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Being there for people can be achieved through giving them less time. Let me explain. If you are asked to do 5 things by a coworker, friend, relative or child, the chances are that 3 or 4 of those 5 things do not need to be done by you. They are only asking because you have made it clear to them that you will always oblige.

So, instead of doing all 5 things under stress and fatigue, you would be better quality company just doing that 1 thing with them. I have tried this experiment so many times and it’s worked beautifully.

So, learn to say no. It may feel weird at first, but being able to balance this part of your life will remove a lot of stress and allow you to find time to cook healthier meals, take a walk, job or exercise.

Food Shortcuts Are Too Easy to Pass Up

As a busy mom, I’ve been there. You’re on your way back from work and just realized the chicken is still in the freezer. What are you going to do now? I know, call the house and ask what they would like from take out. Then you feel guilty that you are feeding your family unhealthy food only to repeat that same scenario in another few days.

The other solution is to get home and heat up some frozen pre-made meals you got from Trader Joes, which is usually just as bad as take out.

It’s not your fault, you’re busy and you can’t remember everything.

Here’s another issue we face. We’re eating and the kids haven’t finished their food.  Well, since they haven’t finished it and I hate for food to go to waste maybe I should just have a couple bites of it… Next thing you know it’s gone.

Did you know that you consume over 1,400 calories every week just by eating the scraps off of your kid’s plates?

The third scenario is for those with teenage kids in the house and the necessity of Dorito’s, Hot Pockets and other junk food that’s in the average 15-year old’s diet. And let’s not lie, we dip into those Oreo’s and Cool Ranch Dorito’s when the going gets tough.

These 3 common issues will completely sabotage your weight loss. So what can you do?


Make healthy meals that freeze well and don’t take more than 30 minutes to make. It is inevitable that you will forget to take out the chicken before it’s too late so let’s not pretend we will break that habit.

But, if you make meals that you can easily freeze and reheat later in the week, you will save yourself from that minor freak out stress inducing moment.

Stop eating off of your kid’s plates. Just stop. It’s a habit, and can be broken. If you want them to finish all of their food, give them less in the plate.

Have healthy snacks in the cabinet, fridge and freezer for yourself. This will help you not break into the Dorito’s stash. There are plenty of healthy “junk food” options out there like Pop Chips, Popcorn, flavored detox water (instead of sodas), and a plethora of low-calorie low-sugar desserts in the market now.real world weight loss cookbook

Check out my Real World Weight Loss Cookbook and Real World Weight Loss Shopping Guide to find healthy meals you can prepare and freeze and low calorie junk food options you can find at any grocery store.

Forgetting You Are a Woman

When we get married and pop out a kid or two or three we slowly but surely begin to lose ourselves in our mom role. Becoming a wife and/or a mother makes you look at yourself in the mirror a little differently.

You see less of YOU the woman, and more of you the bearer of the responsibilities put on you.

Because of that we forget that we need to be conscious of our bodies and health for our own selves, self-esteem and self-worth. 

The problem of forgetting about yourself is one that many working mothers face.


If you are married or have a significant other in your life, schedule more times to go out. Going out will spark something inside of you that will make you want to look your best.

You can also schedule time to go out with your friends to accomplish the same thing.

Take walks after dinner with your family or when you schedule your weekends include physical activities like going to a park in the mix. This will serve two purposes. One, you will be forced to move around and get a little exercise in that day. Two, if you feel that you couldn’t keep up with the rest of the group it can motivate you to stick to your weight loss routine so that you can the next week.

The other thing you can do is bring the excitement back to your relationship. Have date nights, dress up and want to look your best. This is actually more of a selfish thing than it sounds like because at the end of the day, who doesn’t like to feel wanted?

Stress is NOT a Job Requirement

The job is stressful. The kids are stressful. The partner is stressful. Life can be stressful.

Being pulled in completely different directions is stressful and has a direct relationship to your success in your weight loss and overall health. Stress hormones will not only make you put on weight, but can also restrict you from losing weight.

As working mothers, it is inevitable that we will be pulled in many directions and will have to wear many hats throughout the course of the day. So what can be done?


Your first solution is to shut your day down early, no matter what and go to sleep. Sleep will help to restore some of the hormonal damage done throughout the course of your stressful day.

You can also learn to say NO. I know I already said that before, but it’s worth repeating. When you say no and find new time for yourself, you need to do something that ONLY YOU enjoy and do it alone.

This can be anything from reading, watching a movie, taking an aromatherapy bath, having a spa day, or better yet, reading thinontime.com.

Doing this just a couple of times a week will refocus you and get you back to your health success.

Finding Support is Hard

One thing I always wondered was, if there are a bunch of people in my life and in my house, why can’t I find the support I need when I decide to lose weight?

Isn’t that funny?

Your friends, family, partner, children all might be the things that derail your weight loss goals from the start. Usually it’s not because they hate you and want you to fail. It’s mostly because change is hard for most people, so most people resist it.

You will also have people who don’t want you to succeed. If you have a family member or friend with their own weight/health issues your weight loss success becomes a mirror that reflects their own insecurity back at them. After all, if you could lose weight, then I can, but since I don’t want to go through that journey I’d rather derail you so that I don’t have to face being a failure at something.

It’s sad, but all too common.


The people who hold that negative view should be communicated with less and less, if you can. Sometimes it’s our kids or husband that holds us back. In that case, you can involve them in your journey by scheduling time out. Making healthy routines like walking or playing after dinner. You can also involve them by cooking healthier meals and by having the children get involved in the cooking as well.  

To sum it up, these are some common core problems many working mothers face when trying to lose weight.

If you have some more solutions or problems you would like for me to research… Please leave a comment below.

Don’t forget to check out my Book “Work Week Weight Loss”. You can get My Real World Weight Loss Cookbook and Shopping guide with it at no additional cost

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