Is there one diet system that’s better than the other? Should you exercise 3-4-5-6 days a week? What ingredients do you have to avoid? Is my health or family background really that important to losing weight?
Here are 30 fun, interesting and informative weight loss facts every women should know:
1 – Your Spouse is Making You Gain Weight
A lot of women experience weight gain early in marriage. Getting married means sharing everything, and until those natural bounaries are set in place that new dynamic can compromise your waistline.
Snacking when they snack, getting comfortable, eating bigger “man-sized” portions, cooking to their taste and having extra junk food are all ways this new love affair puts a deeper dent in the couch.
2 – Stress Makes You Gain Weight
Home life, work life, friends, relationships and finances are all stressful parts of life. Not putting these things in balance can create a recipe for weight gain by increasing cortisol levels in the body. This increase drives up your appetite, cravings for junk food and contribute to emotional eating.
3 – Sleep More, Lose More Weight
It was concluded in a recent study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that people who slept for 4 hours a night for a week gained 2 pounds than the non-sleep deprived participants. Lack of sleep also contributes to higher stress levels and imbalanced hormones that increase weight.
4 – Your Job May be Making You Gain Weight
Commuting by car, teleconferencing, email and all the other technologies that allow us to do our jobs easier also make it easier for us to move less throughout the day. The stress associated with office politics and lack of work/life balance create weight gaining stress too.
These types of jobs make you gain weight the most:
- Travel Agent
- Attorney/Judge
- Social Worker
- Teacher
- Artist
- Administrative Assistant
- Sales Professional
- Managerial Positions
- Nurse
- Home Aide
- Physician
- Protective Services: Police, Security, DHS
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- IT Professional
5 – Frozen “Diet Foods” are DO NOT Let You Lose Weight
Frozen diet foods from the major diet programs, regardless of the company, are unhealthy chemical-filled salt-laden cancerous traps. They are barely even classified as food.
6 – Losing Weight Fast, Makes You Gain Weight Faster
When you lose weight fast you throw you hormones out of wack and your body’s natural starvation response kicks in on overdrive. So, after you start eating a more normal diet, you start gaining weight more rapidly than you lost it.
7 – Artificial Sweeteners Make You Gain Weight
Sugar is not evil. And your body has a normal and natural response to sugar. When you eat sugar it releases dopamine which makes you feel good and an appetite regulating hormone called leptin is released that tells your brain you’re full.
When you have artificial sweeteners you create metabolic confusion and the whole natural response doesn’t work properly.
Use all natural zero calorie sweeteners (stevia) instead of the artificial chemical sweeteners containing Aspartame.
8 – Fat Cells Live and Die
Fat cells have a lifespan of about 7-10 years and then they die. When they die, new ones grow to replace them.
If fat cells are removed too fast, as in with crash dieting or stomach surgery, the body will generate new fat cells in other parts of the body.
9 – Smelling Peppermint Can Decrease Hunger
According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternate Medicine, Sniffing peppermint oil before meals helps you eat less during your meal by lowering your appetite. It also enhances your mood. So when Felicia at work starts in on you again, get the peppermint out.
10 – Obesity Has Been Linked to Many Types of Cancer and Infertility
Being overweight and/or obese can lead to many health risks. Among them are these types of cancer:
- Breast Cancer
- Colon and Rectum
- Endometrium
- Kidney
- Gallbladder
- Liver
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Cervix
- Ovary
Being over weight or obese also significantly reduces fertility levels in women.
11 – Disorganized Environments Can Lead to Weight Gain
The President of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization released a study suggesting that disorganized work and home spaces can lead to poor eating habits.
12 – There Are Special Spices and Herbs That Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat
Don’t think about buying those crazy fat burning pills. You can get better, more potent and much safer fat burning ingredients naturally. Here are a few:
- Basil
- Cinnamon
- Cayenne
- Clove
- Cumin
- Turmeric
- Rosemary
- Ginger
- Oregano
- Thyme
And they’re pretty tasty too!
13 – Dark Chocolate Can Shrink Abdominal Fat
A study in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences has shown that 100 grams of dark chocolate (organic 70% cocoa) for 7 days decreased abdominal fat. It also provided lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increased good cholesterol (HDL) levels.
Does that mean its time to hit the store for some dark chocolate snickers? NO!!
But some 70% cocoa organic dark chocolate could do you some good.
14 – Weight Loss Pills Can Cause Depression, Mood Swings and Other Horrible Side Effects
Here is a list of harmful diet pill side effects… Cue scary montage sequence:
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Increased heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Liver injury
- Stomach pain
- Diarrhea… Fun!
- Brown colored urine… Funner!!
- Constipation
- Dry Mouth
- Restlessness
- Addiction
- Insomnia
- Nervousness
- Blurred vision
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Chest pain
- Oily spotting (You don’t want to know… just make sure you’re wearing a diaper to bed)
- gas
- dizziness
15 – There Are Really Only 3 Rules to Permanent Weight Loss
Weight loss is simple. Much more simple than navigating through all the “diet” industry hype. It comes down to your food choices, hormones and lifestyle.
Get these 3 elements right at the same time and you’ll never worry about weight issues.
16 – Eating With The Family at the Table Promotes Weight Loss
It doesn’t necessarily have to be with the family. If you are by yourself, you can eat at a table alone. It’s more about NOT eating in front of the TV.
This allows you to be a conscious eater and not only enjoy your food, but it allows your brain the ability to signal that it is satisfied faster so you won’t overeat.
17 – Sleeping in a Cooler Room Helps Burn More Calories While Asleep
A National Institute of Health (NIH) study suggests that sleeping in a cooler room (60-68F) has significant calorie and fat burning benefits.
The body has something called “Brown Fat”. This brown fat generates heat and is able to burn calories and dispose of excess blood sugar while you sleep in a cooler room. Cool, huh?
18 – Sitting for Too Long Shuts Down Your Fat Burning Enzymes
In a study in the Journal Diabetes, it states that the fat burning enzyme called “Lipase” shuts off when the body is stationary for consecutive hours.
Lipase is critical to your body’s ability to split apart and break down fat. This led to increased levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), increase rat retention and a slower metabolism.
19 – Staying up Late Can Make You Gain Weight
I love staying up late. I’m actually up late right now writing this post. But if you’re trying to lose weight and get on a healthier path, you can’t make staying up late a habit.
A recent study from Northwestern Medicine found that people who stay up late tend to consume about 250 more calories than people who sleep at a normal hour. Normal hour being before midnight.
20 – Emotional Eating is a Major Cause of Obesity
Emotional eating aims at reducing stress or using food to elicit a positive emotional response from consuming food. Usually, the food choices during bouts of emotional eating tend to be high calorie-low nutrient foods.
It’s not about a lack of willpower. If you are trying to willpower your way through your issues with emotional eating, stop and do some more research.
I will be doing another article specifically about emotional eating soon because it is so important.
21 – Posting Low-Calorie Food Pictures on The Fridge Can Help You Lose Weight
A new study from a journal called Appetite suggests that when they split groups of women into a room between dieters and non-dieters. The dieters group that was shown pictures of low-calorie foods actually ate less than those who looked at non food related pictures.
So why not just stick it right there on your fridge?
22 – Not Enough Water Will Make You Gain Weight
Water is an antioxidant. Many times people will also confuse thirst signals for hunger throughout the day and end up consuming too many calories.
The human body, from the brain to the large and small muscles are mostly comprised of water.
Water also makes you feel full and removes harmful toxins from your body. So, if you are not drinking a couple of liters per day, you will be sabotaging your own weight loss.
23 – Over 65% of Dieters Regain More Weight Than they Lost After Dieting
Within 1-3 years over 65% of the people who went on a diet will actually end up gaining more weight back than they lost on the diet. The reason for this is simple; bad habits never got addressed and resolved.
24 – Your Body Shape Can Prevent Your Weight Loss
There are 4 main female body types. They are, the hourglass, straight, Pear (bell) and the apple (triangle). These descriptions are gathered by skeletal structure and the disbursement of fat in different areas of the body.
The fat disbursement is what can make it more difficult for one body type to lose weight over another. Hence, there will be an upcoming article regarding how to lose weight for your body type.
25 – Skipping Meals Will Make You Gain Weight… And More
A recent study at Ohio State University has shown that skipping meals leads to abdominal weight gain and the development of insulin resistance in the liver.
26 – Depriving Yourself of The Food You Like Leads to Weight Gain
When you forbid yourself of the food you enjoy you set yourself up for binge eating down the road and even worse; more bouts with emotional eating when triggers are encountered.
This ultimately derails your weight loss, and since we live in the real world where crap always happens, you will face times when binge eating while binge watching sounds like a perfect night.
27 – Fat Cells Are Like Tom Brady, They Don’t Disappear They Deflate
Fat cells do have a life span of 7-10 years before they die and get regenerated. But the process of losing weight is not about fat cells, its about fat in the fat cells.
See, the fat burning process is a crazy biochemical process where fat is extracted from the cell by certain hormones and enzymes, travel through the blood stream into tissues where and get burned off for energy.
But the cell stays right where it is, all sad and deflated. Until filled back up again through your external food choices and lifestyle.
28 – A Large Cause of Female Weight Gain is Hormonal
There are 3 common female hormonal imbalances that are associated with weight gain.
- Thyroid Hormone
- Reproductive Hormone
- Stress Hormone
Within these 3 categories are more specific hormones that can and do lead to weight gain and blockage of weight loss.
29 – You Have to Eat Fat to Lose Fat
Fat is one of the 3 essential macronutrients needed for good health. Yes, it has gotten a bad rap over the past couple decades, but that’s just propaganda. Fat is needed to burn energy and when more energy (calories) are burned the more weight you can lose.
Most of the fats you should be consuming should be in the form of Monounsaturated (MUFA) and Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA).
30 – The Weight Loss Industry Makes $6.3 Billion a Year Yet Obesity is Still on the Rise
Ever wondered why? To put it short, they are in the business of keeping you overweight and obese so they can stay in business.
Ever hear of a drug dealer that puts his addict in rehab? No? Well then. The next time you see Jenny Craig in a dark alley, RUN!
31 – Food Journals and Fitness Apps Help You Lose Weight Faster
The process of being mindful over the calories, time of day and reasons why you eat early on in your diet can have lasting effects on your health.
By keeping track you are able to tangibly see your own food trends and adjust according to the goals you have in mind. This makes it much easier and faster to lose weight than by just blindly dieting and hoping things work out on the scale from one day to the next.
32 – When a Mother Loses Weight Her Kids Lose Weight
When a mother decides to become healthier and lose weight, she has a big influence on her children’s health as well.
By providing an example, preparing healthier-more calorie dense meals and becoming more active, a mother’s influence on her children’s weight loss speaks more through actions than words. If you talk about dieting or your own weight issues in front of your children you are sowing seeds of your child creating and holding on to a bad body image.
PS – If you have a child with a weight issue and I hear you’re criticizing their appearance or your own in front of them, you will find me at your front door.
33 – There is a Connection Between Obesity and Depression
News from the University of Adelaidean published in the British Medical Journal suggests that obese people, especially those who perceive themselves to be overweight experience weight-related stigma and discrimination. This ultimately can lead to low self-esteem, low self-worth and guilt, which are strong predictors of depression.
34 – 63.6% of the US is Either Obese or Overweight
That number just upsets me. Especially when I look around and see the unbelievable abundance of affordable healthy options that are available across the country in any supermarket… And I’m not just talking about fruit and veggies.
I strongly believe this is solely because of lack of education, awareness and understanding of how to lose weight and maintain it.
35 – Weight Loss Products Account for 13% of Fraud Cases at the FTC – Twice That of Any Other Category
What that means is that of all of the fraud cases the Federal Trade Commission had to handle, they dealt with 2 times the amount of cases related to weight loss pills, diet systems and weight loss products than anything else.
Here’s the sad thing though, when you look at the latest FTC case with Sensa – the magic weight loss powder you can sprinkle over ribs and pound cake to lose weight – you see that fines wont really matter.
Sensa was fined $46.5 million by the FTC, but they made $364 in the US alone from 2008-2012. So, instead of a magic powder, Sensa will probably re-brand their product and market it as a magic weight loss wand you can wave over your food to lose weight.
After all, when you can make $317.5 million AFTER paying a fine, does a fine really matter?
36 – Fads are Fads: Fat Free, Gluten Free, High Protein Junk Food is Just as Bad as the Original Junk Food
Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, they all their convenience food snacks. All of them are filled with chemicals, additives, preservatives, food coloring and compounds that do not support weight loss.
They are mostly always filled with artificial sweeteners as well. All of these bars, cookies, candies, cakes and frozen meals are barely food. And when you really look at them, they also cost a lot of money too!
Why do that to yourself?
37 – Eat Too Fast and You Will Gain Weight
Food behavior like eating too quickly is a likely contributor to being overweight or obese according to the British Medical Journal.
There you have it. Now you can impress strangers at that next uncomfortable party you go to with these fun facts.
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